Expats Returning to Australia

Equity Release Mortgages

We specialise in equity release mortgages designed to help you unlock the equity in your current home to fund your downsizing move, providing you with the financial flexibility and freedom to enjoy your retirement or pursue other goals.

Smaller Mortgage Options

We’ll help you find mortgage solutions that match the reduced value of your downsized property, ensuring that you’re not burdened with unnecessary debt and that your mortgage payments are manageable within your new budget.

Lifestyle Considerations

Our advisers will take into account your lifestyle preferences and financial goals when recommending mortgage solutions, ensuring that your downsizing move aligns with your long-term objectives and aspirations.

Whether you’re returning to Australia to settle permanently, purchase a second home, or invest in property, Flint’s mortgage advisers are here to help you find the right mortgage solution for your needs and financial goals.

Christian Stevens
Chris Bates

Get in touch

With decades of collective experience and more
than $3 billion in settled loans, Flint is disrupting
the mortgage industry by offering a wider range of financial services with a tech-driven approach.

Contact Us Today

Learn more about how we can help you achieve your financial goals.