Christian Stevens: Exploring the future of broking

For someone who hasn’t had a long career in mortgage broking, what Christian Stevens has been able to achieve in the past six years has been astounding.
Reading Time: 11 minutes

The senior credit adviser at Sydney brokerage Shore Financial became an accred- ited broker in 2018. But Stevens’ hard work and adaptability, as well as his ability to connect with customers and build a large social media following, has generated rapid growth and productivity.

Stevens surpassed $1 billion in loan settlements in September 2022, reaching this mark in under five years and one of the fastest in the industry to do so.

When it comes to accolades, the awards Stevens and his team have chalked up so far are impressive.

Stevens was named FBAA Broker of the Year – Residential at the 2023 Australian Mortgage Awards, while Shore Financial was an Excellence Awardee in the Commonwealth

Bank Brokerage of the Year (Over 20 Staff) category not just this year but also in 2022 and 2021.

It’s the second major award in a row received by Stevens at the AMAs; last year he was named Equity-One Broker of the Year – Productivity.

Shore Financial has also regularly appeared in MPA’s annual Top Brokerages list, featuring in 2019 and from 2021 to 2023. Stevens is thankful for industry acknowledgements, especially the AMA Broker of the Year awards. “These accolades represent more than just individual achievements,” he says. “They are a testament to the commitment, dedication and collective effort of my entire team.

“For me, they symbolise the journey we have undertaken, the challenges we have overcome and the countless hours spent ensuring that our clients find the perfect mortgage solution.

“In the broader sense, they bolster our standing in the industry, instil further trust in our clientele and motivate us to set higher standards for ourselves each year. They are also great for marketing.”

Stevens is happy to share some of the secrets behind his success.

“The foundation of my success rests on three pillars: a relentless work ethic, building and nurturing genuine client relationships, and the ability to evolve with the times.”

In a digital age, social media has played a  critical role in generating business, he says.

“It’s not just about marketing but about creating conversations, educating potential homeowners and demystifying the mortgage process,” Stevens says.

“Through platforms like Facebook, LinkedIn and Instagram, I have been able to connect with diverse audiences, share my knowledge and, most importantly, humanise the process of mortgage broking.”

Stevens says this digital outreach has translated into more than 50% of his entire business, generating billions of dollars of organic enquiries, as well as cementing B2B relationships.

For those mortgage brokers just embarking on their careers, he says the journey is both challenging and rewarding.

“My advice remains the same: Stay hungry, not just for success but for knowledge. The landscape is constantly changing, and staying updated is not a luxury but a necessity,” Stevens says.

“Cultivate relationships with clients, referral partners and industry experts. Your network will often be your most valuable asset.”

He adds that brokers must embrace technology. “The tools of today can exponentially amplify your efficiency and process. But remember, technology is just a tool; the heart of this profession is understanding and serving the needs of your clients.”

Technology is the future of the mortgage broking industry, Stevens says. “In a world where clients expect quick, efficient and transparent processes, technology facilitates all three.

“Whether it’s digital applications, electronic signatures or instant credit checks, technology accelerates these processes. Looking forward, as tech become more prevalent, integrating advanced technologies will be critical in maintaining a competitive edge.”

The other crucial development in technology is artificial intelligence and automation. Stevens says AI and automation are not just trends – they are revolutionising the way we operate.

“Imagine automating mundane, repetitive tasks, thus freeing up brokers to concentrate on business-generating activities.

“AI can provide insights from data that were previously unseen or overlooked. For instance, predicting market trends or analysing a client’s financial behaviour to offer tailor-made solutions. This will minimise human error and offers a more personalised customer experience at scale. Brokers will be about to double their businesses without doing any extra work.”

So, what does Stevens think about the threat posed to brokers by direct-to-consumer digital loans?

“While I acknowledge the efficiency and convenience of digital loans, I believe in the irreplaceable value of human touch,” he says. “A broker’s insight, experience and ability to advocate for clients goes beyond algorithms.” While a small segment of the market may gravitate towards purely digital processes, Stevens says many people will still seek guidance, assurance and the personalised touch that brokers offer.

“I envision a future where digital tools enhance the broker’s capability, rather than replace it.”

When it comes to highlighting an indispensable tech platform or tool, Stevens praises the CRM that Shore Financial uses.

“In a profession where understanding and recalling client info can make all the difference, our CRM [SalesTrekker] serves as the centre of all client interactions. It’s more than just a database; it’s a tool that enables us to deliver personalised and efficient service at every touchpoint.”

Stevens says another incredible platform the brokerage has recently integrated is Quickli, “which has decreased the packaging time of my credit team by 30%”.

“These two tech platforms have revolutionised my business.”

Open banking is another industry change that is set to redefine financial services, says Stevens.

“By providing brokers access to a client’s comprehensive financial data instantly, it paves the way for more informed and customised advice. It will be like having a 360-degree view of a client’s financial health. “This transparency means better-informed decisions, more tailored loan product recom- mendations and ultimately a faster and smoother application process.

“We will also be able to do instant refinancing and repricing and automated pre-approvals. The future is looking very exciting.” Asked about his future goals in broking, Stevens says “there is always another summit to conquer”.

“I’m keen on expanding my team, reaching untapped markets and innovating our service offerings,” he says.

“My last individual aspiration is to be the first billion-dollar annual settlement broker in Australia, something I will achieve by the end of 2025.

“On a personal note, I am passionate about mentoring the next wave of brokers. It’s not just about passing on knowledge but ensuring the integrity of our industry lives on.”

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